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| افتح حساب اسلامى مع الشركة المرخصة EXNESS افتح حساب اسلامى مع الشركة الأسترالية XS افتح حساب اسلامى مع الشركة المرخصة FBS افتح حساب اسلامى مع الشركة المرخصة ICMarkets افتح حساب اسلامى مع الشركة المرخصة NSFX Fundamental Factors have a nice day INDICATOR: Producer Price Index / PPI Release 9th --- 16th of the moneth Publisher : Department of Labour it's a measure of prices at producer levels in 3 stages : Finished Goods , intermediate goods , Crude goods usually no reaction for Currency market 2- CONSUMER PRICE INDEX Release 15th-21st of the monteh Publisher : Bureau of labour Statistics Of Us Dept of Labour most important index which measures present inflation currencuy reaction : Depend on investment return but usually if it rose will give bad signal for Dollar West German IFO business index: Release every thursday of the month Publisher : The German IFO Economics Institute it's study business climate survey and IFO rose EUR will foloow INDICATOR : Atlanta Fed Index Publisher : The Federal Reserve Bank Of Atlanta Study : Index Of Industry Business Activity No reaction for All market because it's only for view INICATOR : Business Inventories Release : 13th - 17th for 2 month prior Publisher : US Department Of Commerce Studay : the difference betwenn the quantity produced and the quantity sold no reaction for currency market , only for BONDS INDICATOR : Housing Starts Release 16th - 20 of the month Publisher : Department Of Commerce Reaction only for Bonds & Stocks but it's the first indicator turn down when the economy goes into recession INDICATOR : New Home Sales Release 28th-4th of the following month Publisher : Department Of Commerce - Bureau of Census Reaction only for Bonds , and can be volatile during winter months INDICATOR : Durable Goods Orders Release 22nd-28th of the month Publisher : Dept. of Commerce , Bureau of Census Study : is the most volatile data which studies the firm order for immediate or future delivery and no reaction for currency market , only stocks market Components: it includes defence and aircraft orders collected through a monthly survey of 5000 manufacturers representing about 60 000 different establishments. INDICATOR: Retail Sales release : 11th-14th of the month Publisher : Department of Commerce - Bureau of Census Currency reaction only ON RISING IMPORTS INDICATOR: Consumer Confidence Release : last week of every month for every month Publisher : The conference Board Components: Consumer Confidence - present situation index - Expectation index Analysis: a rating survey based on consumer expectations from the present month's economic and the coming month's economic conditions to study whether economy is expanding or contracting wish you good luck Fundamental Factors factors fundamental افتح حساب اسلامى مع الشركة المرخصة EXNESS افتح حساب اسلامى مع الشركة الأسترالية XS افتح حساب اسلامى مع الشركة المرخصة FBS افتح حساب اسلامى مع الشركة المرخصة ICMarkets افتح حساب اسلامى مع الشركة المرخصة NSFX |
الكلمات الدلالية (Tags) |
factors, fundamental |
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